
Meet Gretchen and Marissa, two Michigan State University post-grads, thrust out full force into a world where their talents have gone under the employment radar, virtually undetected, for longer than they would like to admit.

Here is Gretchen on her graduation day, with a masters of public relations:

Her most recent achievements and noteworthy accomplishments include her degrees from MSU – an accredited university, an elephant tusk dagger collection (recently appraised at well over 750 dollars) and the fastest female rollerblade mile time at Rollerama II skating rink in Brighton, Michigan.

Here is Marissa, someday around graduation. Her dad forgot batteries for the camera that day, so no documentation exists.

Taken immediately after showing her horse, ‘Pewter’, (who was crowned Grand Supreme) at the MSU Pavilion’s Winter Classic Horse Show.

Her accolades and hobbies include eating half of her body weight in grilled hot dogs at age 8 during the ‘Dog Dash’ at the Allegan County Fair, successfully turning 3 feral cats back into domestic home types, and whittling soap bars into busts of past presidents.

Nevertheless, after academia, these two found themselves at, as Bone Thugs would have it, a ‘Crossroad’.  Low on cash, Gretchen found work part time making corn husk dollies, which she sold outside of a QD convenience store, Wednesday through Saturday evenings. During the day she pondered what exactly she wanted to do with her life, while picking husks outside.

Marissa’s experience was on a similar caliber. She too graduated, and was insistent on not moving home. After a bout of frostbite from camping in the Saugatuck dunes shortly after Christmas, Marissa ultimately ended up back with her parents, in her old room which they had since converted into a gym.

Simultaniously, both girls decided there had to be something more. More to see than crumbling post industrial wasteland! More to do than channel surfing! Greener grasses between their toes! Sand and water as far as the eye could see! Tastier food! Brighter stars!

Thus, a road trip was assembled. Cities to see? Still undecided. Duration of trip? It’s anyone’s guess. Number of squabbles? That is still to be seen. Many questions, little answers. Equipped with one large green van, lots of granola, charged batteries and ample playlists, these two set out, Monday August 30th, into America’s unknown. The great U.S. of A.

Because, as an old man bypassing me in Estes Park on the Taylor Peak Trail once told me, “If you’re ambitious, you’re just at the beginning”. And these two are just that. I wouldn’t deem them to be degenerate deadbeats, I would consider them: Road Scholars

– Forward was written and soon to-be narrated in our audio section by William Shatner.

13 responses to “About

  1. wbosko

    bah hahah marissa you kill me.

  2. ReincksBaby

    Bahaha fabulous. Couldn’t ask for more.

  3. melunderhill

    This is going to be wonderful

  4. Aunt Nancy

    I vote for George Clooney to narrate….somehow having ol’ Billy Shatner with you on your trip gives me the creeps!

  5. Jess Carlson

    Day One:) Can’t wait to here about your stops!!! Love you g-baby!

  6. Jess Carlson

    Hmm I posted a message but I guess it didn’t go through!! Hope Iowa is very Iowa-y:)

  7. Chrissie

    I should send you the William Shatner CD, especially love his rendition of Lucy in the sky, with diamonds. Very ethereal. very.

  8. Shelby

    I love it Mers!! I wish I could have been that inspired by that quote… See ya in a few weeks!! Or whenever you get here.

  9. K-Jazz

    I think before and after shots are a necessity. Quite excited and enthralled so far. Keep the superb photo documentation rollin as well!

  10. Jess Carlson

    1. Ohhh my god – I want those cocnut covered onion rings so much right now!!

    2. Your pics from Glacier are amazing, look slike you are having a great time!!

    3. The bear sighting video is prob my fav thign ever:)

    4. I miss youuu! I tired to go to O’Callaghans on labor day but it was closed. Prob a sign I should never try to go without you!

  11. The K 'n C B &B

    Come back! We miss you! You left before some brew fest tonight, hemp fest tomorrow, and Oktoberfest on Sunday. AA meeting to be announced!
    Loved my presents, thank you so much! Love the Blog!
    I started to call to make sure you were on the road, then decided you didn’t want to hear me crying. You two are such joys and “incredible lights of beings”!
    Have fun, call your parents, and update this blog.
    PS when “fuse” blows, press red button on outlet.

  12. Uncle ED

    Been following you every day, sounds like and I can see your having a great time. Keep enjoying, it’s a once in a lifetime event. Thinking of you both be careful, uncle ED.

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