Daily Archives: September 28, 2010

Whatever happened to predictability?

Our second day in San Fran was pretty low key. Not a whole lot we knew to do down there that didn’t involve a lot of cash mons, so we cruised over to our old friends, the Tanners.

Unfortunately, they must have been out for the day. So we were back on the road. We drove towards the water to be closer to Melanie’s bus stop. We took a nautical stroll around the piers to pass the time.

Weird self cleaning bathroom pod

A prime hottie sighting

A bridge!


We said our solemn goodbyes to Ms. Underhill and hauled south to the 1, heading to Big Sur for the next night or so. The drive was amazing!

We stayed in Big Sur State Park and started another one of our infamous ragers

Succulents in the firelight

Gretchen and I spent another romantic evening together by the fire, and hit the hay.

The next morning, we headed to the beach to watch a bevy of bodacious babes, a hoard of hunks if you will, ride the Cali waves.

Beach Babe

Gnarly seaweed

One wave surged up a little close to our stakeout and soaked a few items. Woops!

Overall, a lovely day at the beach. We hopped back in the whip and continued on down the 1. Next stop, Los Angeles! A special shoutout to everyone who has been following our travels. And an extra special one to Rob Welling too : )




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blessed by sage

Before we left Tuesday, we had to hit up Voodoo Doughnut- Portland’s ultra-hip confectionery. Although we had heard rave reviews about the maple bacon doughnut, it alone would set us back $3, so we went with the baker’s dozen fun box. Some were hot pink, some traditional, some with sugary cereals perched atop. All delicious. We saved most of them for Melanie and her roommates in Ukiah.

Portland to Ukiah, California took us about 13 hours. After which we were in a foggy haze for our introduction to Mel’s roomies. We met: Kelly, Lucy and Boris (Cassie was on holiday in Syria); and settled in for a long winter’s nap.

Wednesday we awoke with magical powers of persuasion, and convinced Melanie to play hostess for the afternoon! She took us out to the grand redwood forest of Montgomery Woods and to Orr Hot Springs, about 28 windy miles outside the city. The hot springs were a series of naturally warm tubs and pools in the woods, with many interesting characters inside, most of them nude. We sported swimsuits (obviously) and kept our Midwest modesty to solo soaks. Aside from the relaxing hot springs, we strolled through Montgomery Woods 2-mile pathway, amidst trees taller than most buildings. A sight to behold.

That night, Melanie and Kelly made pizza for all of us! (Sorry there’s no pic.) Take our word, it was delectable. Fresh veggies and goat cheese, dough from the co-op- yum! A couple of Ukians, Mary & Adrienne, who work with Melanie, came over and we all had a nice relaxing evening chatting.

Thursday morning Marissa went for a quick run and after I had finished showering and saw no sign of her, I got a little worried. Boris said he had seen her zig-zagging the neighborhood, looking bewildered. I decided I’d take the van for a spin around the block after and hour and a half of waiting. Exactly two hours into her run, I was waving like a madman at the top of Mel’s hill flagging her down. She was a bit sore and tired that day.

We picked up Melanie from work and drove to the City of 10,000 Buddhas, which is a Buddhist monastery, with a restaurant. (?) The menu was all vegetarian, and we enjoyed the authentic Thai flavored protein balls, made of soy, quite profusely. The afternoon brought sun and relaxation, reading in the backyard (well, I read and Marissa passed out). We reconvened at the Ukiah Brewing Co later that evening and met up with Mary, Adrienne and Boris. (Look! We made other friends!) All of their beers were organic, whatever that means, and interesting.

Friday was the annual book sale at the Veterans’ Memorial Hall, and every inch of lit cost only 50 cents! What a deal. We three ‘booked it’ to Lake Mendocino, to picnic. ‘Twas a lovely day. Nightfall brought the neighborhood block party, complete with the Dirt Floor Band, Ukiah body odor, and plenty of dancing! How neat!

Saturday we set our sights on the big city, and decided we were indeed going to Saaan Fraaaan-cisco. The Surf Motel, our humble abode was in the Marina area. We hopped on a bus to Chinatown!

So many fun knickknacks. Very different from New York Chinatown, a bit cleaner.

From Chinatown we walked to Pier 39 and Fisherman’s Wharf. Cool street performers and seafood restaurants lined the streets.

Dipped our toes in the water at the beach!

Split a banana split (ha!) at Ghirardelli Square!

We hit the tizown at night, frequenting the Bus Stop (cool), Bullitt (ew), and the Buccaneer (funny). Met a fellow MSU alum whom with we had mutual friends! Small world.

Great times with Melanie! Thanks so much to you and your roommates for being awesome hosts! We love you guys!



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