Daily Archives: September 18, 2010

lots of sleep in seattle

Aunt Chrissie hooked us up with our next “Bed & Breakfast” in Seattle at Laura and Luis’. They live a mere thirteen miles north of the city in Edmonds, and also house adorable twin boys, Will & Topher.

For our first day of activities, our Seattle tour guides suggested we take the ferry from Anacortes to Friday Harbor to rent mopeds. Obviously our inner speed demons agreed, so off we went!

The island was quaint and picturesque- and our joy came when we took those mopeds out on the open road! Although they topped out at about 29 mph, we felt as though we were flying! Editor’s Note: this is as close as I will ever be to riding a motorcycle.

Went to lunch on Roche Harbor, looked like a scene from a vacation magazine! We split the crab nachos and a mushroom lovers pizza with goat cheese.

After our day of heart-racing speeds, we were pretty whipped. Our next day while Laura took the boys to music class, Marissa & I ‘yelp-ed’ the best breakfast place around and settled on Patty’s Eggnest.

M ordered the North Beach Omlette, made with four eggs:

And after struggling with the menu and the array of choices, I settled on the waitress-recommended classic, Eggs Benedict:

After a solid coating of egg to lining our stomachs, we proceeded to Woodinville- Washington wine country. Chateau Ste. Michelle, the oldest and most prestigious vineyard & winery in the area, was the first stop. We signed up for a guided tour of the grounds and factory (and had a free tasting afterward, score).

The MOST ENTHUSIASTIC tour guide I’ve ever had (including Stefan in Tuscany) TOM!!!

Available at the most upscale Costco near you:

We sampled the Chardonnay, Cabernet Sauvignon and the sweet Moscat Canelli (best name):

After Ste. Michelle, we moved onto Silver Lake winery just down the road. The barista (incorrect?) told us he’d only had ten tourists the whole summer, and guilted us into buying a lot of wine. The winery did offer the cute and adorable “Girly Girl” wine, which donates proceeds to breast cancer research.

Across the street from Silver Lake was Novelty Hill | Januik, which looked more like a prison than a winery.

And down the road was Woodhouse Family winery, that had amazzzzing Malbec!

Four wineries and we were down for the count. I only partook in half the tastings, so I drove back to the crib. Laura had sweetly prepared pesto tortellini, a salad and a baguette for dinner! Yum! We watched the Top Chef finale with L&L (Ed was robbed) and hit the sack. The next morning was downtown Seattle with L, W & T.

They look so Seattle GQ:

Pike Place Market was our destination, the fish guys were hilar!

Fresh flowers everywhere! $5 a bundle!

Restaurant from Sleepless in Seattle, where Tom Hanks and Rob Reiner have lunch:

GUM WALL, left our bubblegum mark:

First Starbucks EVER! Overpriced coffee junkies unite! The mermaid’s hair is suspiciously scandalous, which is the trademark of the original store.

Space Needle:

Laura took us to see the Fremont Troll after. How creepy is this? And how much more creepy is it that someone spent so much time working on such an ugly beast? Creat of the week for sure.

We decided to stay in Seattle for one more day to explore, and discovered Red Mill, the best burger joint in town. Marissa ordered the Verde burger, onion rings & butterscotch milkshake:

I ordered the Red Mill Garden burger, o’ rings & cherry shake:

We’ve got to stop documenting our terrible eating habits. A huge thanks to Laura, Luis and the boys for being such gracious hosts. We had the best time staying with you and can’t wait to see how much more handsome Will and Topher become, if it’s possible! 🙂

Peace and love to you and yours,



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