Daily Archives: September 10, 2010

k & c fanclub

Three nights of bliss in Missoula! We have had the best time here- Kevin & Carol are such gracious hosts. We’ve enjoyed a day in downtown, an evening in the hot tub, which had the most perfect view of the beautiful mountains in the backyard; a day trip to three spectacular local breweries; and showers galore.

Thanks for the stickers, Carol!


First (and favorite) stop of the brew tour took us to Kettlehouse. Best described…a warehouse speakeasy? Our bartender was shoving ample samples our way as soon as we perched on our stools.

Happily sipped were:

Fresh Bong Water Pale Ale

Cold Smoke Scotch Ale (favorite!)

Ye Old Bong Water Hemp Porter

Hellgate Honey Hefe

We both decided on the Honey Hefe, a light start to the day.

We loved the Kettlehouse so much that we immediately cruised over to a grocery store around the corner to grab some cans to enjoy post-roadtrip. This photo doesn’t do our creature siting justice, you’ll have to take our word for it.

Next up on the docket was Bayern Brewing Co, a German style microbrewery. The spot had both great beer and wildlife to offer. Gretchen met a new friend!

Marissa enjoyed a Dump Truck Summer Bock and Gretchen a seasonal Oktoberfest. Alongside we sampled some German Brats (one smoked, one chicken and andouille) served inside of warm French bread. They came with a variety of homemade mustard accouterments. Delicious!

Last stop was Big Sky Brewing Company, which was definitely the classiest joint. They offered four free tastings, which equaled out to about 2 pints. Among the offerings: Moose Drool Ale, Trout Slayer Filtered Wheat Ale, an IPA, Czech Pilsner, Saison Belgian Farmhouse Ale, Scapegoat Pale Ale, and a Summer Honey Seasonal.

It was a long six hours of sitting and tasting microbrews, which would tire any unemployed person out. We arrived back at the Keskeny’s and Marissa took a little nap. We ended our day chatting with K & C and watching videos of bears being tranquilized in Missoula.

Thanks again, Carol and Kevin for your hospitality! We both aspire to have Carol’s spice of life one day.

“Keep Missoula Beered,”

-Marodgers and Gretcherstein


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