Daily Archives: September 8, 2010

last chance gulch

The continuation of our drive to Helena, Montana:

After arriving in Helena, we both decided we wanted to be human for a night and see a movie at the theater. We settled on Going the Distance, which turned out to be hilarious, and went to The Brewpub, a bar/restaurant nearby, for a snack.

Lewis & Clark Brewing Co. beers:

Coconut-covered onion rings, half devoured:

We met a wise philosopher named Manny, who happened to be a cook at the Brewpub, and had a wonderful chat about life and society, you know- grown-up stuff.

Our bartender, bless her heart. Forgot her name… But she was awesome!

The parking garage next door played host to the van for the evening, allowing us a warm and full night’s sleep, FOR FREE!

Sunday was Denim Day. Marissa sported jorts (jean shorts), whilst Gretchen tried her hand at the Texas Tuxedo…

Caught in the middle of a Western jig:

We picked up necessary uncooked supplies at the local grocer, Safeway, since our fire-building skills have been known to be somewhat lackluster. Marissa had a little headache leftover from one too many Blackfoots at the Brewpub, so Gretchen navigated us to the Two Medicine entrance of Glacier National Park.

Shortly after entering the park, the following happened. Please excuse the reaction similar to a 5 year old child on Christmas morning, opening his most lusted after gift.

After the bear encounter, we set up shop on Two Medicine lake, somewhere on the southeastern side of Glacier:

First evening was a little rough, again, problems on the fire-starting front. Luckily, we approached some neighboring campers who were more than happy to help. After introducing himself as M.G (standing for Master Genius), he came to our rescue with a jug of diesel fuel and some new log arranging formations. We both acknowledge that we should know how to start a fire by now. That being said, I don’t think either of us will camp diesel-less from this day forth.

With flames ablaze, we focused on food. Utilizing the goods we picked up earlier, we classed up our camping game with these bad boys

Some thinly sliced bread, smear o spinach dip and some melted havarti.  A step above from trailmix to say the least.

With fanny packs bursting, we embarked early in the morning on South Shore trail. The hike went on for about around ten miles total. We prepared for the worst (bear mauling), but hoped for the best (moose sighting!)

Donk Tree:

Marissa’s dad’s longtime friend Kevin and his wife Carol offered to put us up for a few days in Missoula, Montana! We were ecstatic at the thought of a shower and clean clothes! On the way, Kevin advised us to stop at the ‘Garden of 1000 Buddhas.’ The Dalai Lama himself is expected to visit the Ewam Garden when it is completed. The following photos are dedicated to Kellie Brandt, the lover of all things Buddhism.

We ‘ohm-ed’ all the way to Kevin and Carol’s mountainside crib. What a view, people!

More on Missoula to come.


Mimi and Gigi


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