Daily Archives: September 4, 2010

a little extra time in helena…

Internet credits: Starbucks


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yellowstone and beyond

When we left off, we were trying to find a campsite in the Big Horn mountains. We ended up just driving through and stopping at a campground called Circle Lake, which was first-come, first-serve. All nine campsites were vacant, so we set up shop, built a huge fire, and got ready for a great night! Then it started sleeting… After we scraped the ice off the windshield, we explored Big Horn a bit. Frost:

We set off for Yellowstone afterward, crossing our fingers that we would get a campsite, since all of the reservation employees basically laughed at us when we tried to get a spot over the phone. On the way we utilized Marissa’s ‘Road Food’ book and ate a delicious meal at Lisa’s in Greybull, Wyoming.

The drive was amazing, we passed through gorgeous mountains and amazing landscapes…

We entered the park through the east entrance and asked the ranger woman if there were any campsites available. She gave us a pass and let us in, warning that there was a buffalo on the road ahead and that we should give him some room. Our campsite the first night was in Bridge Bay, right near where the buffalo roam.

The campsite was a short walk to Yellowstone Lake.

Upon our check-in, we purchased a box of firewood from rangette Peggie, feeling confident that it would provide us with the raging fire we had created the night before. This was not the case.

Most of our camping neighbors turned their chairs to watch our pitiful fire and snicker. After two failed attempts, a nice couple came over and offered us a firestarter, something neither us were privy to.

After the outside assistance, we figured we were in the clear for the night. Countless attempts to keep the flame alive failed, and we went to sleep cold and in the dark.

Friday morning, we awoke early and headed out to do some sightseeing around the park on the drive to our new site, Canyon. Here are the findings!

Grand Prismatic Spring:

Turquoise pool:

Virginia Cascade:

Upper Falls:

We stopped at a trail and proceeded to take a death hike in flip flops 600 feet down to the Yellowstone River. To our delight, there was a rainbow at the end of the tunnel!

Saturday morning, we arose around 6:15 (really..). Having our fill of camping, we decided to visit one last gem and head out of Yellowstone. Mammoth Hot Springs:

Reeking of campfire, we headed to the Washtub, a laundromat/DVD rental/public shower establishment outside of Yellowstone. The owner greeted us without shoes, and took our 4 dollars for an 8 minute, wonderful shower.

Heading to Helen, MT for the day/night with no real destinations in mind, we stopped off of the highway at Wheat Montana, a bakery, deli and wheat farm.

Thoroughly enjoyed were a rueben,

and the Silo (ham/pulled pork dynamite).

Signing off from Starbucks in Helena.

-Roadies G & M


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