Monthly Archives: August 2010

if we blog it, they will come

Evenin’ y’all.

Today was the magical day of takeoff. Marissa woke up at about 6 a.m. Putzing around for a few hours, she woke me around 840, we packed the covered wagon to the brim with Oregon Trail essentials like axles and oxen. We left Holland around 930 and didn’t look back.

Our first stop was to pick up some coffee and get our bare legs off the leather seats for fear they would soon meld. Dunkin Donuts provided us with delicious java, and we now know why America runs on Dunkin.

We were really excited to get to ‘Field of Dreams.’ Which is exactly what you would think, a baseball diamond amongst thousands of miles of bleak cornfields that smell like dirty diaper. Must be fertilizer time. Needless to say, I threw a spectacular pitch and Marissa hit it clear out of the park.  We also discovered a good contender for ‘Creature of the Week,’ but we’ll get to that later.

Along US 20 we saw signs for a Frank Lloyd Wright house called Cedar Rock. Venturing seven miles off the freeway and getting really excited to see the house, we pulled up to find the joint closed! Quite a disappointment.

Switching drivers energized us. I retired after my 8.5 hour shift behind the wheel, gave Marissa a few quick tips about how to whip and started to relax in the co-pilot chair. Hi Grandma!!!

We were still two hours from Sioux City but were getting restless and famished, so we GPS-ed a close restaurant. We landed at the luxurious Oasis Cafe in Lytton, Iowa. Locals later explained that the entire town was inbred and we burned our mouths trying to eat as fast as possible and get out of there. One colorful local, Mike, informed us that he had, “checked out your van and saw some o’ them voodoo ‘Buddhias’ sittin’ on dat dash.” We countered Mike’s statement by saying they were simply for good luck.

Our planned stop for the night is Sioux City, Iowa, which I can only hope is a little more lively than F.o.D. As for our ‘Creature of the Week’ section, we will scour the best of the American west to bring you the pride of our nation. Creme de la creme, a bevy of beauties, hand-picked by two of the most judgmental people you know.

We love you, America.
G. Baby


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Almost on the road…

Greetings all,

Roughly 12 days and some hours until departure. Time to get our ducks in a row, including playlist refinement, snacks and bevs, finding as many hats as possible to sport throughout the journey and figuring out where exactly we are going. Until that time, here is a tune that has been getting quite a few spins between the two of us:

Arcade Fire – Sprawl II


Road Scholar M

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